Friday 4 September 2015

Dapur Jawa

Today I will share with you about one mall in Jakarta. I have frequently gone there during my childhood time whenever I went to my grandma's house. The name of this mall is Golden Trully Mall. Amazingly, until now this mall is still managed to survive.

During my last trip to Jakarta, me and my girlfriend went to Golden Trully Mall again after more than 20years I never went back to this place. Woah very long time, right? It's because my grandma had moved to other place, so I didn't go to that mall again.

After exploring and at the same time trying my best to recall my memory about Golden Trully Mall, we were having lunch at Dapur Jawa

Dapur Jawa is an Indonesian traditional cuisine restaurant. We ordered Gurame Saos Mangga (Gourami Fish with Mango Sauce), Sayur Asem, Rice and Wedang Jahe.

Gurame Saos Mangga IDR63.000

Gurame Saus Mangga is a fried Gourami fish fillet with Mango sauce. The mango that they use hasn't ripe yet. The fish is fresh. Combination between Mango sauce and Gourami fish are superb. This dish is beyond our expectation.

Sayur Asem IDR10.000 and Sambel IDR7.000

Sayur asem is a traditional Indonesian dish that consists of Peanuts, Melinjo, Long Beans, Chayote and Corn cooked in tamarind based soup. Dapur Jawa version of Sayur Asem is tasty.

Wedang Jahe IDR12.000
Wedang Jahe is also a traditional Indonesian beverage that consists of Ginger and Palm Sugar / Granulated Cane Sugar. This beverage will make your body warm.

Overall, we enjoy having lunch at Dapur Jawa

Will I go there again? Yes.

Dapur Jawa Interior
Name: Dapur Jawa
Address: Golden Trully Mall Gunung Sahari Lower Ground - Jakarta (Indonesia)


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