Tuesday 18 December 2012

Calais - Artisan Bubble Tea and Coffee

Hello, All!!! I am Back :P

Last week, I went back to my hometown (Jakarta – Indonesia) for a short break. Over there, I was relaxing and (of course) was hunting for a nice food!!

One of the places I visited was Calais - Artisan Bubble Tea and Coffee.

Calais offers many types of Tea (such as fresh milk tea, rose tea, fruit tea) and Coffee.

They claimed that they used the best quality tea leaves (from English Earl Grey, Taiwanese Oolong Tea and Japanese Green Tea) and coffee bean from famous Indonesia roaster (Anomali Coffee).

Over there, I and my friend (Olivia) ordered their highly recommended beverage: Taro Milk Tea and Calais Milk Latte Small Bubble. Both beverages were nice.

Normally in Singapore, we only can choose the sugar level. But over there, we could also choose the ice cubes portion (less, normal or more) as well.

Right now, Calais is only available in Indonesia. I hope, in the future they can open their branch at Singapore.


Calais Milk Latte Small Bubble (Regular @ IDR 21.000) and Taro Milk Tea (Large @ IDR 21.000)
Calais Interior

Name: Calais
Location: Mall Kelapa Gading 5 Level G-59B, Jakarta - Indonesia


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