Monday 24 September 2012

My picture appeared in StreetDeal without permission

Last Thursday night, I found one of my Mao Shan Wang durian picture appeared in one of the StreetDeal advertisement.

I was very shocked to know that my picture was suddenly appeared without my acknowledgement. And the best part was, this irresponsible party had removed my watermark on the picture as well.

So, on the next day, I sent an email to StreetDeal to ask their accountability for this issue. I also requested them to remove my picture ASAP.

After investigating (by StreetDeal team), She (StreetDeal's customer service team leader) told me that the salesperson in charge with particular advertisement was responsible to this case.

She said that "the sales person had recently joined StreetDeal and StreetDeal management failed to emphasis the importance of crediting the rightful owner of the sources that are included in our campaigns, and that permission had to be granted before any usage." Also, she had sent the apology letter via email to me.

On top of that, she had promised that this kind of case would not be repeated any more in the future.

After StreetDeal team removed my picture and sent an apology letter, I considered this case was closed.

I am so disappointed with this case. StreetDeal is not only used my picture without my permission, he/she doesn't have the right to remove my watermark on the picture either!  How come a big company like StreetDeal makes this kind of mistakes?

I am just hoping that this case will not be repeated again in the future or I will take a further action.

Below is my Mao Shan Wang picture that StreetDeal had used.

You may want to see the following site which the picture was taken from:
PS: The third picture from top.

Below is their apology letter.


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